Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Garden Party

Welcome to the Gardens at Two Crow Cottage home of HAPPY HERBS SOAP!  
The trinity garden of lavender...3 different varieties. 
Come on in and sit a spell.

Forget me not forest

Lovely deep purple clematis climbing the fence at the pond.

Hope you enjoyed your garden visit today!  Come again soon! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

under glass...

forced to work inside.....
except for shoveling snow.....


i continue "dusting & dumping".  throwing out as i go through the house.  also re-arranging work spaces to different parts of the house.  turned out well! 

to save time dusting in the future, especially the little"cubbies" that hold my jars of dried herbs in my retired post office letter case,  glass doors were put on. a little rough looking since they came off an old cabinet, but it works fine. of course, i draped lites in it , too.

here's some more "under glass"---

and it's all set up and ready for "happy hour"...cheers!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Seasons change...and so do I...


The wildflower seeds are in, and plans are underway.
It won't be long now.  

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Winter Glitter...again

Winter Glitter...

This is an old photo, but it is befitting of this winter day.

Two Crow Cottage Gardens
are magnificent, year round.  
Let's take a walk...